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Weishen Yang

Chair Professor, Distinguished Young Scholars Recipients
Research Interest: Membrane separation, Catalysis, Batteries
E-mail: yangws@dicp.ac.cn

Prof. Weishen Yang received PhD from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1990. He is a full professor of DICP, CAS since 1995; As a visiting scholar, he worked in Birmingham University, UK in 1989, and University of Southern California, USA in 2001. He received the 2 nd prize in State Nature Science Award in 2015; the 1 st prize in Guangdong Province Science and Technology Award in 2014; the 1 st  prize in Liaoning Province Nature Science Award in 2006.

Prof. Yang has published >400 referred journal papers (SCI citations >27,000; H-index 82) in Science, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS, Adv. Mater., Nano Lett., AIChE J., J. Membrane Sci.…, 2 books, 4 book chapters and >100 patents on material synthesis with strong emphasis on the rational design and molecular-level engineering of functional nano-materials for applications in catalysis (e.g., catalytic conversion of C 1-C 4 alkanes), separation (e.g., zeolite membrane, MOF membrane, Pd membrane, and mixed-conducting membrane), and fuel cells (e.g., SOFC). He also scaled up the synthesis of Zeolite type-A membrane by microwave for the first time in the world and commercially applied the membrane in dewatering of iso-propanol in 2012 (50,000 t/a), ethanol in 2016 (30,000 t/a) and 2017 (100,000 t/a, the largest scale in the world).

His research is not only supported by national funding agencies such as the National Natural Science Funds of China for Distinguished Young Scholars, Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Chinese Academy of Science, but also by international companies such as BP (UK), UOP (USA), Rohm-Haas (USA), Teikoku Oil Co. (Japan), and Hyflux (Singapore).

In recent years, he was invited to give plenary lectures on 12th International Conference on Inorganic Membrane (ICIM) in the Netherlands 2012, 14th ICIM in USA 2016, and 19th National Zeolite Conference in Wuhan. He also served as co-chairmen of 7th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting held in Dalian, China, 2016.

Selected publications in recent years
1. Yuan Peng, Yanshuo Li, Yujie Ban, Hua Jin, Wenmei Jiao, Xinlei Liu, Weishen Yang, Metal-organic framework nanosheets as building blocks for molecular sieving membranes, Science 2014, 346, 1356.  

2. Meng Zhao, Dong-Dong Zhou, Pin Chen, Yujie Ban, Yuecheng Wang, Ziyi Hu, Yutong Lu, Mu-Yang Zhou, Xiao-Ming Chen, Weishen Yang, Heat-driven molecule gatekeepers in MOF membrane for record-high H2 selectivity, Sci. Adv. 2023, 9, eadg2229.

3. Yuecheng Wang, Yujie Ban, Ziyi Hu, Weishen Yang, Energy-efficient extraction of linear alkanes from various isomers using structured metal-organic framework membrane, Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 6617.

4. Yujie Ban, Weishen Yang, Multidimensional building blocks for molecular sieve membranes, Acc. Chem. Res. 2022, 55, 3162.

5. Yue Zhu, Dongdong Liu, Huijuan Jing, Fei Zhang, Xiaoben Zhang, Shiqing Hu, Liming Zhang, Jingyi Wang, Lixiao Zhang, Wenhao Zhang, Bingjie Pang, Peng Zhang, Fengtao Fan, Jianping Xiao, Wei Liu, Xuefeng Zhu, Weishen Yang, Oxygen activation on Ba-containing perovskite materials, Sci. Adv. 2022, 8, abn4072.

6. Meng Zhao, Yujie Ban, Kun Yang, Yingwu Zhou, Na Cao, Yuecheng Wang, Weishen Yang, A highly selective supramolecule array membrane made of zero-dimensional molecules for gas separation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 20977.

7. Yi Liu, Yujie Ban, Weishen Yang, Microstructural engineering and architectural design of metal-organic framework membranes, Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1606949.

8. Yuan Peng, Yanshuo Li, Yujie Ban, Weishen Yang, Two-dimensional metal-organic framework nanosheets for membrane-based gas separation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 9757.

9. Xinlei Liu, Yanshuo Li, Guangqi Zhu, Yujie Ban, Longya Xu, Weishen Yang, An organophilic pervaporation membrane derived from metal-organic framework nanoparticles for efficient recovery of bio-alcohols, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 10636.  

10. Yi Liu, Yanshuo Li, Weishen Yang, Fabrication of highly b-oriented MFI film with molecular sieving properties by controlled in-plane secondary growth, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 1768.

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